Actually, Having a Job Is Irresponsible

| 2015-08-30

Most people believe they are acting responsibly simply because they go to work every day. They feel that because they make a strong effort to wake up, prepare for work, and arrive on time, they should be applauded. I’m sorry, but this is not true.The truth of the matter is despite how hard they work at their job, they are still lazy.

It sounds very harsh to call someone who is likely struggling to get by and working a job they hate lazy.

The laziness doesn’t come from the individual not working hard at their job. It comes from the fact that they are working hard at their job. Please allow me to explain.

The rules of money changed in 1971. Jobs today don’t provide the quality of life they did in our grandparents’ time. Getting ahead today requires financial education. It requires learning how to have your money work for you, instead of you working for money.

Most people cling to the same mentality that our grandparents had – that hard work is praiseworthy. I’m not saying that hard work isn’t praiseworthy. I’m saying the type of work determines whether it’s praiseworthy or not.


In the good old days, a person could work hard at a job, obtain a livable wage, and have a decent standard of living. Today, it’s not like that.

One of the effects of the change in the rules of money is ever-increasing prices. Today, things cost more! When you couple higher prices with the low wages workers have received over the last four decades, you begin to see how it’s critical to work smarter.

Today’s economy requires people to learn how to have their money work hard for them, instead of them working hard for money – just like the rich do! That’s working smarter.

The laziness of people who work hard comes from the fact that they refuse to put in the work required to change. Changing mentality requires working hard to learn how the game is played today. Refusing to adapt is the source of their laziness.

But the catch is this: Either way, you’re going to work hard. Still, you have a choice. You can either work hard to remain poor, or you can work hard to become rich. Decide which is best for you.

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