Consumers Aren’t Winners!

| 2015-08-30

It’s no secret. Our society is based on mass consumption. Every day, we are bombarded with marketing campaigns that entice us to buy, buy, buy. From a very young age, our thoughts are conditioned to accept standards of beauty and success everyone must aspire to.Or, we are trained to believe that buying a new TV or automobile will lead people to like (or even envy) us. So many aspects of our lives revolve around money.

When it comes to the economy there are two sides to the coin: consumption and production. The problem is that most people are trained to view the economy from the perspective of a consumer. And when it comes to sales transactions, all too often, the average person is the buyer, trading their hard earned money for goods and services from someone else.

In relation to building wealth, having a consumer mentality is very destructive. As harsh as it sounds, wealth is built by having people send their money to you. Unfortunately, it’s more common for people to pass their money on to someone else, instead of having money flowing towards them. When personal consumption gets out of hand, entering into debt bondage is a real possibility.

The deception in media’s message is that the consumer “wins” by spending their money. In a material world, the amount of material possessions supposedly equates to success and happiness. However, behind the scenes, a large number are in dangerous financial standing by trying to achieve the appearance of wealth.

The real winners are producers, the individuals who are able to get people to send money to them. Producers offer consumers value and are able to profit from it. As consumers buy more, producers become richer. The name of the game is becoming a producer. Have you considered what value you can offer someone? It could possibly be an avenue for generating income.

If you truly desire to build wealth, you can’t continue to make other people rich by sending your money to them, like a consumer. Begin to see the world through the eyes of a producer. Learn to successfully offer value, and you will see your wealth grow.

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