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The College Gamble: Is It Still Worth It? (You Decide)

| 2015-09-27
The College Gamble: Is It Still Worth It? (You Decide)

When I was in high school, going to college was a given. Students didn’t ask whether or not a fellow classmate was attending college after graduation. It was understood. The only question was, “Which?”

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It’s Hard to Win as an Employee

| 2015-09-25
It’s Hard to Win as an Employee

What happened to the American Dream? Decades ago the common belief was that a high standard of living and financial freedom could be attained by anyone through hard work. Today, many feel that they’ll likely never retire and debt is just a way of life.

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Wake Up! You’re Being Played

| 2015-09-23
Wake Up! You’re Being Played

Does it seem like despite the fact that you’re earning more money than your parents did, life is tougher for you? Does it seem like no matter how hard you try, it’s nearly impossible to get ahead? If you feel this way about life, you are certainly not by yourself.

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Experts Say Save Money… Here’s Why They’re Wrong

| 2015-09-22
Experts Say Save Money… Here’s Why They’re Wrong

Most people consider saving money to be a wise and responsible thing to do. In case of a rainy day, it’s prudent to have a little cash put away for the unforeseen. Emergencies do arise from time to time.

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Stop Working Hard and Grow Money on Trees!

| 2015-09-21
Stop Working Hard and Grow Money on Trees!

For the average person today, getting ahead financially seems like an almost impossible feat. It’s difficult for many to envision ever escaping the rat race when the cost of living is so high and wages are so low.

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EMERGENCY – The Rules of Money Have Changed!

| 2015-09-20
EMERGENCY – The Rules of Money Have Changed!

Most people are completely unaware that the rules of money have changed! Still playing by the old rules, they continue to go to school, work hard at their jobs, and “earn a living.” These ideas are not only outdated and obsolete, they are also very dangerous!

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Escape Average: Don’t Fit In!

| 2015-09-13
Escape Average: Don’t Fit In!

Most people don’t know how bad the economic situation really is. Many believe that things will get better soon. But each day, more and more slip out of the middle class into poverty.

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5 Reasons that Hold People Back from Financial Education

| 2015-09-13
5 Reasons that Hold People Back from Financial Education

Here are a quick 5 reasons that prevent people from finding freedom through financial education…

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